Research Society and Conference:
16th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM, 2011 in Marseille, France)
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading(SSSR)
Eye Tracking Research & Applications(ETRA)
Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing(AMLaP)
Laboratory and Researcher:
Dr. Reinhold Kliegl
Dr. Keith Rayner
Dr. Ralph Radach
Dr. Albrecht Inhoff
Dr. Richard Shillcock
Eyetracking Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts
Brain and Language Labotatory, The Institue of Linguistics Academia Sinica
Tool and Eyetracker:
Psychophysics Toolbox
SensoMotoric Instruments(SMI)
SR Research(EyeLink)
Fourward Technologies(Dual Purkinje Image,DPI)
Applied Science Laboratories(ASL)