
Šašinková, A., Čeněk, J., Ugwitz, P., Tsai, J.-L., Giannopoulos, I., Lacko, D., Stachoň, Z., Fitz, J., & Šašinka, Č. (2023). Exploring cross-cultural variations in visual attention patterns inside and outside national borders using immersive virtual reality. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 18852. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46103-1
Ma, X., Li, D., Tsai, J.-L., & Hsu, Y.-Y.,  (2022). An eye-tracking based investigation into on-line reading during Chinese-English sight translation – Effect of word order asymmetry. Translation & Interpreting. 14(1), 66-83. DOI: 10.12807/ti.114201.2022.a04.
Čeněk, J., Tsai, J.-L., & Šašinka, Č. (2020). Cultural variations in global and local attention and eye-movement patterns during the perception of complex visual scenes: Comparison of Czech and Taiwanese university students. PLOS ONE, 15(11), 1-22. DOI: 10.1371/journal. pone.0242501.
Ho, C.-E., Chen, T.-W., & Tsai, J.-L. (2020). How does Training Shape English-Chinese Sight Translation Behaviour? An Eye-Tracking Study. Translation, Cognition & Behavior, 3, 1-24. (MLA)
Yu, W. -Y., Tsai, J. -L., & Tao, C. -C. (2017). Heard but Falsely Remembered? The Attention and Memory Effect of Product Placement in TV Episodes. The Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society, 33, 189-214.
Liang, C.-W., Tsai, J.-L., & Hsu, W.-Y. (2017). Sustained visual attention for competing emotional stimuli in social anxiety: An eye tracking study, Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 54, 178-185. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2016.08.009. (SSCI)
Yu, W.-Y. & Tsai, J.-L.* (2016). Modulation of scene consistency and task demand on language-driven eye movements for audio-visual integration. Acta Psychologica, 171, 1-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.09.004. (SSCI) (*corresponding author)
陳家興、 蔡介立*(2016)。詞彙邊界線索影響閱讀中文表現的眼動證據。中華心理學刊,58(1),19-44。[ Chen, C.-H. and Tsai, J.-L.* (2016). Eye movement evidence for the effects of word boundary cue when reading Chinese. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 58(1), 19-44.] (TSSCI) (*corresponding author)
Chang, Y. N., Hsu, C. H., Tsai, J. L., Chen, C. L., & Lee, C. Y. (2015). A psycholinguistic database for traditional Chinese character naming. Behavior Research Methods, 48(1), 112–122.(SSCI)
Chen, P. H., & Tsai, J.-L.*(2015). The Influence of Syntactic Category and Semantic Constraints on Lexical Ambiguity Resolution: An Eye Movement Study of Processing Chinese Homographs. Language and Linguistics, 16(4), 555–586.DOI: 10.1177/1606822X15583239.(SSCI) (*corresponding author)
Yeh, Y. C., Tsai, J.-L., Hsu, W.-C., & Lin, C. F. (2014). A model of how working memory capacity influences insight problem solving in situations with multiple visual representations: An eye tracking analysis. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 13, 153-167. (SSCI)
Chen, S. C., She, H. C., Chuang, M. H., Wu, J. Y., Tsai, J.-L., & Jung, T. P. (2014b). Eye movements predict students’ computer-based assessment performance of physics concepts in different presentation modalities. Computers & Education, 74, 61–72. (SSCI)
Tsai, J.-L. (2014). Eye movement guidance in reading unspaced text in Thai and Chinese. In H. Winskel & P. Padakannaya (Eds.), South and Southeast Asian Psycholinguistics (pp. 265-271). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
Lee, C.-Y., Liu, Y.-N., & Tsai, J.-L.(2012). The Time Course of Contextual Effects on Visual Word Recognition. Frontiers in Psychology3:285, 1-13. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00285. (SSCI)
Tsai, J.-L.*, Kliegl, R., & Yan, M. (2012). Parafoveal semantic information extraction in traditional Chinese reading. Acta Psychologica, 141(1), 17-23. (SSCI) (*corresponding author)
Yen, M. H., Radach, R., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Tsai, J.-L.* (2011). Usage of statistical cues for word boundary in reading Chinese sentences. Reading and Writing, 25(5), 1007–1029. (SSCI) (*corresponding author)
Yen, N.-S., Tsai, J.-L., Chen, P.-L., Lin, H.-Y. , & Chen, A. L. P. (2011). Effects of typographic variables on eye-movement measures in reading Chinese from a screen. Behaviour & Information Technology, First published on: 06 February 2011 (iFirst). 30, 797-808. (SSCI)
Huang, H.-W., Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., & Tzeng, O. J.-L. (2011). The sublexical semantic ambiguity effects for reading Chinese disyllabic compounds. Brain and Language, 117, 77-87. (SCI)
Han, C.-C., Hung, D.-L., & Tsai, J.-L.*(2010). The mental representation during the mental rotation task- explore the complexity and integrity effects. (In Chinese) Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 41(3), 551-578. (TSSCI) (*corresponding author)
Lee, C.-Y., Huang, H.-W., Kuo, W.-J., Tsai, J.-L., & Tzeng, O. J.-L. (2010). Cognitive and neural basis of the consistency and lexicality effects in reading Chinese. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 23(1), 10-27.(SSCI)
Wang, C. A., Tsai, J.-L.*, Inhoff, A. W., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (2009). Acquisition of linguistic information to the left of fixation during the reading of Chinese text. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24(7), 1097-1123. (SSCI) (*corresponding author)
Yen, M. H., Radach, R., Tzeng, O.J.L, Hung, D.L., Tsai, J.-L.* (2009). Early Parafoveal Processing in Reading Chinese Sentences. Acta Psychologica, 131(1), 24-33. (SSCI) (*corresponding author)
Hsu, C. H., Tsai, J.-L., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Lee, C. Y. (2009). Orthographic Combinability and Phonological Consistency Effects in the Reading of Chinese Phonograms: an Event-Related Potential Study. Brain and Language, 108, 56-66. (SCI)
Yen, M. H., Tsai, J.-L., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (2008). Eye movements and parafoveal word processing in reading Chinese sentences. Memory and Cognition, 36, 1033-1045. (SSCI)
蔡介立 (2007)。<動動眼,看得更清楚!>。科學人雜誌,9月,34-37。
Lee, C. Y., Tsai, J.-L., Chan, W. H., Hsu, C. H., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (2007). The temporal dynamics of the consistency effect in reading Chinese: An ERP study. Neuroreport, 18, 147-151. (SCI)
Tsai, J.-L.*, Lee, C. Y., Lin, Y. C., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (2006). Neighborhood size effects of Chinese words in lexical decision and reading. Language and Linguistics, 7(3), 659-675. (SSCI) (*corresponding author)
Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Chiu, Y.-C., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Hung, D. L. (2006). The early extraction of sublexical phonology in reading Chinese pseudocharacters. Language and Linguistics, 7(3), 619-636. (SSCI)
Huang, H.-W., Lee, C. Y., Tsai, J.-L., Lee, C. L., Hung, D. L., & Tzeng, O. J. L (2006). Orthographic neighborhood effects in reading Chinese two-character words: reaction time and ERP measurements, NeuroReport, 17, 1061-1065. (SCI)
Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Huang, H-W., Tzeng, O. J.-L., & Hung, D. L. (2006).The temporal signatures of semantic and phonological activations for Chinese sublexical processing: an event-related potential study. Brain Research, 1121(1), 150-159. (SCI)
Lee, C.-L., Hung, D. L., Tsed, J. K.-P., Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., & Tzeng, O. J.-L. (2005). Processing of disyllabic compound words in Chinese aphasia: Evidence for processing limitation hypothesis. Brain and Language, 92(2), 168-184. (SCI)
Lee, C.-Y., Tsai, J.-L., Su, E. C.-I., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (2005). Consistency, regularity and frequency effects in naming Chinese characters. Language and Linguistics, 6(1), 75-107. (SSCI)
Tsai, J.-L.*, Yen, M. H., & Wang, C. A. (2005). Eye movement recording and the application in research of reading Chinese. (in Chinese) Research in Applied Psychology, 28, 91-104.  (*corresponding author)
Tsai, J.-L.*, Lee, C. Y., Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., & Yen, N. S. (2004). Use of phonological codes for Chinese characters: Evidence from processing of parafoveal preview when reading sentences. Brain and Language, 91(2), 235-244.(SCI) (*corresponding author)
Lee, C. Y., Tsai, J.-L., Kuo. W.-J., Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J. L., Yeh, T.-C., Ho, L.-T., Hsieh, J.-C (2004). Neuronal correlates of consistency and frequency effects on Chinese character naming: an event-related fMRI study. Neuroimage, 23(4), 1235-1245. (SCI)
Tsai, J.-L. & McConkie, G. W. (2003). Where do Chinese readers send their eyes? In J. Hyona, R. Radach & H. Deubel (Eds.), The Mind’s Eyes: Cognitive and Applied Aspects of Eye Movements (pp. 159-176). Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland /Elsevier Science Publishers.
Tsai, J.-L. (2001). A multichannel PC tachistoscope with high resolution and fast display change capability. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 33, 524-531.(SSCI)

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