
1. Principle Investigator

The modulation of contextual strength and individual difference on the lexical selection mechanism during lexical ambiguity resolution (語境強度與個別差異調控詞彙歧義消解的語義選擇機制), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 110-2410-H-004 -112 -MY2, 2021.08.01-2023.07.31.
The influence of socio-cultural factors and writing system on perception and cognition of complex visual stimuli (社會文化因素與文字系統對複雜視覺刺激的知覺和認知影響), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 108-2923-H-004 -001 -MY2, 2019.01.01-2021.12.31.
The modulation of L2 experience on word frequency and word predictability effects during First- and Second-language reading: an fMRI study with simultaneously eye movement recording (第二語言經驗對閱讀第一和第二語言詞頻與詞預測力效果之調控:眼動同步記錄的大腦造影研究), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 107-2410-H-004 -204 -MY3, 2018.08.01-2021.12.31.
Age differences in natural reading: Studies of eye fixation-related and ultra-fast functional brain imaging (自然閱讀的年齡差異:以眼動凝視為事件關聯的超快速功能性大腦造影研究), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 106-2420-H-004-009-MY2, 2017.01.01-2019.06.30.
Tracking the time course of tonal and segmental activation competition in Chinese spoken word recognition using eye movements(以眼動探討中文口語字彙辨識的聲調與音段激發競爭之時序歷程), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 104-2410-H-004 -043-MY3, 2015.08.01-2018.10.31.
The Time course of orthographic activation in Chinese spoken word recognition: evidence from eye movement(中文口語詞彙辨識的字形激發時序:來自眼動資料的證據), Theme Research Projects of Academia Sinica, AS-102-TP-C06, 2013.01.01-2015.12.31.
Research of text-picture integration and evaluation on a cloud computing-based collaborative digital reading system: Evidence from eye movements (基於眼動分析之雲端高互動合作式數位閱讀平台的圖文整合模式與評估研究), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 103-2511-S-004 -001, 2014.08.01-2015.10.31.
Key determinants of successful language acquisition: Integrated research of behavioral, developmental, and neurobiological approaches – Subproject 4: The Time course of orthographic activation in Chinese spoken word recognition: evidence from eye movement (閱讀習得的關鍵要素:結合行為,發展與神經生物取向的整合研究:分支計畫:中文口語詞彙辨識的字形激發時序:來自眼動資料的證據), Theme Research Projects of Academia Sinica, AS-102-TP-C06, 2013.01.01-2015.12.31.
The contextual influence on parafoval lexical processing in reading Chinese sentences: Evidence from Traditional and Simplified Chinese readers (語境脈絡對閱讀中文週邊詞彙處理的影響歷程:來自正體字與簡體字讀者的證據), National Science Council, NSC 101-2410-H- 004-087-MY2, 2012.08.01-2014.02.28.
Children’s eye movement control in reading: effects of contextual and perceptual factors on word processing (閱讀研究議題六:國小學童閱讀的眼動控制:脈絡與知覺因素對詞彙處理的影響), National Science Council, NSC 99-2420-H-004 -002, 2010.01.01-2010.12.31.
Determinants of the fixation position effects in Chinese character and word recognition (中文詞彙辨識的凝視位置效果之決定因素), National Science Council, NSC 96-2413-H-004-018-MY3, 2007.08.01-2010.07.31.
Lexical activation of Chinese words: ERPs and MEG studies of neighborhood size effects on word recognition (中文詞彙激發的大腦處理機制:雙字詞鄰項個數的腦電波與腦磁波研究), National Science Council, NSC 95-2413-H-010-002, 2006.08.01-2007.07.31.
Lateralization effects of Chinese word recognition: Neighborhood size effects of peripherally and centrally presented words (中文詞彙辨識的側化效果:視週邊與視中央呈現的鄰項個數效應), National Science Council, NSC 94-2413-H-010-002, 2005.08.01-2006.07.31.
The neighborhood size effects of Chinese two-character words: An eye movement study of reading sentences (中文雙字詞的鄰項個數效果:閱讀句子的眼動研究), National Science Council, 93-2413-H-010-003, NSC 2004.08.01-2005.07.31.
Attentional operations of characters and words during eye fixations when reading Chinese (閱讀歷程中眼動凝視對字詞處理的注意力運作), National Science Council, NSC 92-2413-H-010-001, 2003.08.01-2004.07.31.


2. Co-investigator

Semantic Analysis of Translated Texts for Comparative Cultural Studies and Cultural Specificity in Language Learning (臺俄(RU)國合計畫-文化特性詞之意義分析、文化比較及外語學習探究), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 105-2923-H-004-001-MY3, 2016.08.01-2019.07.31
Examination of Multiple Systems View in Category Learning: Experimental and Psychometrical Approach(類別學習中多重系統觀點之檢驗:行為實驗與心理計量取向), National Science Council, NSC 100-2410-H-004-046-MY2, 2011.08.01-2013.07.31
Integrating and Developing Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies for Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning (II & III) (整合及開發人工智慧與語言科技以輔助跨語言資訊檢索與語文教學活動 (II & III) ), National Science Council, NSC 100-2221-E-004-014-, 2011.08.01-2012.07.31
Eye movements during reading Simplified and Traditional Chinese. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Grant KL 955/18 to Reinhold Kliegl (Department of Psychology, University of Potsdam, Germany) and Jie-Li Tsai. 2011.01.01- 2013.12.31.
The application of magnetoencephalography in investigating the dynamic cortical network of language and music processing: Component Project II, The brain dynamics of phonological processing in learning to read Chinese (應用腦磁波儀探討語言與音樂的神經動態處理機制:子計畫二(AC1-2)中文閱讀音韻處理的神經機制),Academia Sinica, AS-99-TP-AC1, 2010.01.01-2012.12.31.
A Neuroscience Training Program for Researchers in Education or Other Humanities and Social Science Domains (神經科學跨領域研究人才培育規劃), National Science Council, NSC 98-2517-S-004-001-MY3, 2009.01.01-2012.07.31.
Taiwan Mind/Brain Imaging Center: MRI/MEG Establishment and Service Plan (心智科學大型研究設備建置及共同使用服務計畫–台灣心智科學腦造影中心), National Science Council, NSC 99-2420-H-004-027-RE2, 2010.08.01-2012.07.31.
Integrating and Developing Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies for Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning (II & III) (整合及開發人工智慧與語言科技以輔助跨語言資訊檢索與語文教學活動 (II & III)), National Science Council, NSC 100-2221-E-004-014- , 2011.08.01-2012.07.31.
Brain Processing in a Diversified Linguistic Environment: A Taiwan Perspective: Integration of Multiple Modalities for Human Brain Mapping: From neuroanatomy to functional connectivity (從台灣多語環境探討語言處理的大腦神經機制–子計畫三:整合性腦造影技術:從神經結構至功能性連結), Program for Promoting Academic Excellence of Universities (PhaseⅡ) of National Science Council, 94-2752-H-010-004-PAE, 2005.04.01- 2009.03.31.
Word Recognition: Integrated Research of Behavioral, Developmental and Neurobiological approach: Component project III – The locus of the neighborhood size effects in reading Chinese words: the event-related potential studies (字詞辨識:行為、發展以及神經生理取向的整合性研究-子計畫三-以鄰項個數效果探討中文字詞辨識歷程–事件誘發電位之系列研究), Theme Research Projects of Academia Sinica, AS-94-TP-C06, 2005.01.01 – 2007.12.31.
Brain, Cognitive, and Behavioral Science: Component Project I – The nature of lexical and sublexical processing in reading Chinese phonograms: the event-related potential and eye-tracking studies (大腦、認知與行為科學:子計畫一 音旁在中文閱讀的詞彙與次詞彙處理歷程-腦電波事件關聯電位與眼動研究), Theme Research Projects of Academia Sinica, AS-93-TP-C05, 2004.01.01 – 2006.12.31.
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